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The Problem- Dead is Dead


There is an urgent global threat for the few remaining wild places of safety for the elephant populations.

In Namibia the number of elephants must be reduced due to water shortages.However, rather than kill/cull the elephants, the authorities are open to the idea of selling them. They can be purchased directly. Namibia wants to sell 28 this year.


The problem in Botswana is much more complex. The government states that elephant numbers have grown and they are causing danger to the local people as they raid farms and encroach on villages. Previously Botswana was the world’s safest wild sanctuary for African elephants. However, with the government announcement in May 2019 that 400 hunting licenses per year will be allowed, within a week the rate of poaching has increased.


The loss of one elephant is a loss for all.

Adult and Baby Elephant
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